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Pressing On!

Writer: Heart Of HoustonHeart Of Houston

Updated: May 21, 2020

Some days it seems like Covid-19 has the world has turned upside down. I never planned on "home-schooling" my children or wearing a mask with every client interaction - let a lone to the grocery store. On other days, life doesn't seem all that different. Our garden is bursting with cucumbers and we are about to be overwhelmed with tomatoes (for a week, because that is all Houston's climate allows). The kids continue to leave their socks EVERYWHERE and refuse to stop growing. It is all about perspective.

Just as the business plan was being finalized and appointments with potential investors scheduled, the pandemic began. Needless to say, it also thew a wrench into Heart of Houston's development. There were thoughts of putting the whole plan on the shelf or even throwing in the towel, but a pandemic doesn't stop babies from being born, it doesn't minimize the needs and worries of Houston's mothers. More women than ever are looking to birth centers as an alternative to hospitals and the need for support and community is magnified. Like the famous phrase goes, "nevertheless, she persisted."

A lot has has happened over the last two weeks. I finished the business plan, FINALLY! Seventy-Eight pages of work, that, if I am lucky, will be skimmed through by a handful of people, but building it helped define Heart of Houston's philosophy, goals, and path. The final plan, along with a loan application, was submitted to a local credit union and has been handed over to the underwriters. Over the next week I will probably have to confess my favorite color in 3rd grade (green) as well as sign over my first born. Fingers crossed, we hope to have a commitment letter from the bank in early June.

With that commitment letter we can sign our lease. YES! We have located pretty much the perfect property, negotiated the terms of the lease, and just need the thumbs up from the bank to get rolling. To say I am excited about this property is an understatement. For more than a year, every time I drove past the property on my way to the medical center I would think, "that would be a perfect birth center." Low-and-behold it came up for lease earlier this year and after seeing the inside, it is even better than I imagined. Here is a little sneak peak of the lobby area....a perfect canvas, right?

I can't wait to share more! As things gear up, we will be posting more frequent Heart of Houston development updates with pictures of our progress. We also want to introduce you to some of our collaborating professionals, providers, and businesses. Over the next couple weeks our blog will feature these partners who are working hard with us to provide Houston with the most comprehensive birth and wellness care. Stay tuned!


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